UCSB Swimming 2007-2008

UCSB Swimming News

Friday, September 28, 2007

Raccoon at Campus Pool

Naya was playing with a raccoon at 6 am on Thursday. While she was getting a camera to film, Gregg scared the raccoon away.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Brock in a music video

Brock Roverud, a junior, is in the music video for Everything's Magic. The guy who is wearing the yellow UCSB T-shirt inside out is Brock. In other word, the guy with the yellow T-shirt holding the guitar is Brock.

More Desert Rat Actions

When you push off for the last lap of the Desert Rat, your goal is just to get to the other wall. Here are some tricks of the Desert Rat Pro.

Brett- was this your second one of the workout?
Kaelan-you are in the screen!

Ben's birthday swim

Happy Birthday, Ben. How did the Desert Rat after this treat you?

Sunday, September 23, 2007


We had the second National Event Series (NES) this past Saturday. This time, the swimmers rest 30 seconds after each event.

1700 free
:30 rest
800 IM
:30 rest
400 IM
:30 rest
400 IM
:30 rest
200 IM
:30 rest
500 free

After the last 500, the swimmers take off 2:30 from the total time. The goal is to beat the first NES with no 30 seconds rest after each event. As you can imagine, some wouldn't rest 30 seconds so their task of beating their first NES isn't too difficult. If they are 60 swimmers, there are 60 different tactics to achieve the goal.

Good job, Gauchos!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Stallion (women's team)

Kelsey's first stallion!

It's gonna be close ... finish strong

Stallion (men's team)

Adam is wearing "CARY" cap. It sure helped him go FAST!

Team Pictures at Campus Point

It wasn't a very typical day in Santa Barbara. Though out the day, it rained hard on and off, and luckly, the rain stopped at 1 pm so our swim team can take the team picture for the 2007-2008 season at Campus Point.

Each person has their own way of showing their Gaucho spirit.

How cute!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Running Dives

According to coach Fehr, the women have better coordination on land on our team. Who got better running dives?

Is this a sprinter's or distance swimmer's dive?

Is she a sprinter or distance swimmer?

Almost making in the screen

Triple birthday swims

Chris Fulton (September 18)
Adam Gonzales (September 14)
Dominique Lazarovici (September 14)

These three forgot to tell everyone about their birthdays because they thought they don't have to do the birthday swim. How were the triple birthday swims?

Nutrition Seminar with Bob Alejo

Bob Alejo, the head strength and conditioning coach, gave us a very useful lecture about nutrition. "Plan ahead!"

Brian - you are busted!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

NES 1 and more

National Event Series (NES) are made out of all the events at the NCAA championships.
1700 free
800 im
400 im
400 im
200 im
500 free
= 4000 yard total

At this year's first NES, all the returners had to go faster than their best time so far. Those who didn't go faster had to do a Desert Rat at the end of the workout today.

Go Team Desert Rat!

Courtney Bauer took her brother Curtis' advice "count numbers when you are hurting," and made it in her second attempt. Good job, miss Bauer!

Scott Vogelgesang (second from left) made it in his third attempt. Good job, Scott!
Should I be an action photographer?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Ocean Swim 2007

This annual team event, "Ocean Swim," was held three times during the training camp decades ago. Nowadays, this event is happening only once a year. It was a beautiful day in Santa Barbara, but the water was only 64 derees (18 degrees in celsius).

UCSB Swimming 2006-2007

Class of 2008
from left:
Ben Malcolm
Mason Edwards
Courtney Jenkins
Curtis Bauer
Matt Sullivan
Brooks Felton
Bobbie Wilson

Erin Yamamoto (left/runner-up) Lindsay Gaudinier (right/winner)

Chris Good (left/runner-up) Brooks Felton (right/winner)

Travis' 20th birthday

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gregg's Latest Favorite

Looks easy? That's probably because these are done by elite athletes. This happens to be Gregg's latest favorite ... kicking on your back while holding your equipment bag with elbows straight.

By the way, can you tell who is who?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sophomores (team retreat)

Sophomores talked about being "the cream" in Oreo cookies. They feel that their job is to connect the freshmen with the upperclassmen. Jessica Schwalb - spokesperson

Trust Walk (team retreat)

Charlie Patch and Chris Fulton shaking each other's hand during a trust walk with their partners' assistance.

Desert Rat

Niki Schracamp, Brett Chamberlain, and Joe Plume did our first Desert Rat of the 2007-2008 season.
We use this as a penalty for cheating, leaving the equipment out, and etc.

Desert Rat = 25 dive no breath sprint free + 25 butterfly + 25 underwater kick

We had a good cheering session as those three actually got a penalty for helping some of the team members to advance to the next battle for the capture the flags earlier.

Good job, Niki, Brett, and Joe

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sara's 19th birthday

How was your birthday? Did your dad (the person on the other side of the pool) get a good photo of this?

Capture the Flags (men's final)

Mason Edwards (senior) - winner
Joe Plume (sophomore) - runner up

What a great way to start a new season! Go Gauchos.